Nerdette Minute #38: 1st Catch up of 2017

January 26, 2017

Hey Gang!

 Riverdale premieres tonight! I've been so excited ever since I heard the rumors. I'm so in love with the darker side of Riverdale and its Archie Characters, that I went and purchased the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina trade back, I'm really hoping that Sabrina appears in the series. Even if she's just a cameo. Plus, it's supposed to be a mystery so how could I not be interested? This vlog is a little bit of everything because its been so long, since I've been in front of the camera that I missed it so much. It also includes a haul from Hot Topic, and thoughts on future posts and ideas for Nerdette at Large, So make sure you give it a watch!

 Are you excited about Riverdale? Lets Chat about it on Twitter

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