With a new year comes a new house. With our new house, comes new area to explore! We live near a really big cemetery and the most adorable park, so I had decided that I wanted to start exploring the area after Christmas. Moving plus hosting Christmas for my family was extremely stressful for me, so I wasn't thinking of anything other than getting all the boxes into the basement and getting everything ready so that people could come over and I could entertain.
With Christmas and New Years out of the way, I don't have to worry about entertaining for a little way, and I can start unpacking the new house, one room at the time. I'm halfway through my office right now, I have all the important things set up. The desk, my computer, and the area where I'll be creating the content for Nerdette At Large, Nerdette Minute, Her Story Arc and Heroes and Coffee. 2017 will be a super busy year for me and I'm so very excited to get started on it!
Outfit Details: Hoodie: Pokemon Champion from Hot Topic// Collared Top from Walmart// Alice in Wonderland Dress from Hot Topic (a Favorite)// Knee-Hi Socks from Hot Topic// Teal Converse from Burlington Coat Factory.
Have you explored any neato places lately? Let me know on twitter! I love checking out new blogs!
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